AP Exam Information

Exam Schedule & Registration Information

AP Exam Schedule 

AP Exam Registration Information Slideshow

AP Exam Registration & Payment Instructions (linked here or see below): 


Mrs. Teresa Kilday

School Counselor

AP Test Coordinator

(201) 785-2345

email: tkilday@ramsey.k12.nj.us

For those currently enrolled in AP Courses:


  • All students enrolled in AP courses must enroll in the appropriate AP Classroom on the College Board's My AP site

  • During the month of September, your AP teacher will provide you with the join code(s) necessary to join the correct sections of your course.


  • Joining the AP Classroom is NOT the same as ordering the exam, even if you indicate on the CB site that you plan to test.

  • You MUST follow the two-step process found under AP Exam Registration Instructions in October to pay for and order your exam.

If you do not make a payment on PaySchools, you will not be able to test.

Exam Day Information

Digital Exams

AP Courses